Saturday, October 1, 2016

How to determine sweet spot on your racquet?

The sweet spot is the area of the racquet stringbed which permits the optimum transfer of energy from the stroke of your arm, to the shuttlecock via the stringbed.

In general, the sweetspot is usually on the upper half of a ISO frame vs in the center for a BOX frame (aka Yonex Carbonex series).

Here's how you can determine the sweetspot for your racquet.

Basically listen for a change in the sound pitch. If you hit the stringbed against the base of your palm, at the location of the sweetspot, the pitch will increase and produce a nice lively tone vs the dull sound, if otherwise.

Please came back on November to discuss how to determine if you are hitting the shuttlecock in the sweetspot aka  maxising the transfer of energy from your stroke to the shuttlecock.

Unfortunately those affordable "stuck-on" monitoring tools from China or Hong Kong can not inform if you are hitting on the sweetspot - bought one to try after reading the marketing material ... provides other useful statistics though. Will provide that review in the near future