Sunday, November 1, 2015

String "Notching"

When the strings on a stringbed no longer glides across one another eg stationary, I call the effect "notching".

This is because one of the strings has actually cut into the other to created a "notch" (so to speak) eg partial cut thru. When this occurs, it is a sign your string will need to be replace in the very near future.

"Notching" is extremely common to certain brand and models - Yonex BG66 is probably the most well known of the lot. It even happens if you had the racquet restrung and left it unuse for a while! Someone I know was skeptical and did the above test ... he was disappointed to find the notch after leaving the newly strung racquet unuse for a few weeks!

The effect is most noticable on darker coloured strings - see the enclosed pix from one of my own racquet below. The notches are the white areas on the black string - after I moved the now stationary cross-string aside for the photograph.

Effects of "notching"on the strings

Close-up of the "notching(s)"

Even so, Yonex BG66 remains a popular choice for many players ... hence good profits since it has to be replaced often!

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